How Can a Lobbyist Help Me?

A lobbyist’s purpose is to solve problems with the government. If your organization or business has a government-related issue, a lobbyist can help you find a solution.

Lobbyists Can Assist with a Variety of Problems:

How can a lobbyist help me infographic

Stan Lockhart: A Lobbyist with Expertise

Stan Lockhart’s experience and knowledge of government made him an excellent choice for a lobbyist.

Stan’s Experience in Education:

Stan served on the State Board of Education. He has worked extensively with the State Board of Education, school districts, charter schools, and legislature and government offices.

Stan’s Experience with Utilities:

Stan is the past President of Utah Energy Users Association (made up of some of the larger businesses in the state) and served on Rocky Mountain Power’s advisory board. While in this position he determined how the interest of utility and the interest of businesses can become the same or very similar.

Professional Organizations:

Stan has worked with physician assistants to pass new legislation in Utah, HB 27 and HB 28, which allows physician assistants to not be connected to a supervising physician. Stan worked closely with the professional organization and legislators to create a bill that was satisfactory to all parties. After the passage of the bill, Stan had worked closely with DOPL to implement the bill.

Lobbyists are experts in bridging the gap between government and the public. You have a problem with government? We’ll help you solve it. Stan Lockhart is Utah’s lobbyist, and we are here to help.